Here comes another of those, "Why you should quit smoking" pieces, this time adding in the bonus of erectile dysfunction. You might think all the news about tobacco could not get any worse. . . Well, let's run that by you again. Of all the deaths from cancer in the US, the biggest killer is lung cancer. But the evidence now proves that 30% of all the deaths from cancer are triggered by smoking. So wherever you breathe, the risk took off to include cancer of the mouth, gums, larynx and throat. And because the chemicals from the smoke are dissolved into your saliva, everything travels down the esophagus and into the stomach. From there, the effects spread through the body because the chemicals are not discriminating. Down into the colon and bladder. But more seriously into the blood stream where you can trigger leukemia and heart disease. Did you know benzene can cause DNA damage so, among other things, guess what happens to your sperm.
Anyway, let's not lose our focus here. Once this happy band of chemicals gets into your blood, the key problem is damage to the blood vessels. The walls slowly begin to harden and narrow. In all the detailed explanations of the mechanics of an erection, you might remember the first step is a chemical messenger sent to the smooth muscles in the walls of the arteries leading into your penis. This instructs the arteries to dilate and allow more blood to flow inside where it is trapped to form the erection. If anything prevents the arteries from fully dilating, the erection is weak. If there is no dilation, there is no erection. Why should the arteries into the penis be affected? Because although the tobacco affects all blood vessels, the first effects show up in the smallest vessels which are in the "extremities", the parts of the body furthest from the heart like the hands, feet and penis. That's why the fact of erectile dysfunction is taken as a first sign of possible heart disease.
So first, the good news. If you quit smoking early enough in this cycle into disease, the source of the damage is removed and your health does not get any worse. In fact, if you start a program of physical exercise to improve the way your cardiovascular system works, the circulation of the blood speeds up and the quality of your erections can return naturally. But if you quit after the damage is too great, you will need help to return your your winning sexual ways. Viagra has a good history of restoring lost power by encouraging the dilation of arteries - not just those leading into the penis, but in other parts of the body as well. But then comes the bad news. If you cannot quit or lapse back into smoking after a short break, the blood vessels will continue to degrade. At some point you will find even the little blue pill cannot restore you to life. You will have lost out altogether. So if you are a smoker, learn this lesson well. The threat of death from cancer is years away. In fact, some smokers are lucky and avoid the Big C. But the threat to your erections is more common. So do not delay. Quit today and buy viagra to ensure you keep on enjoying your sex for years to come.