Even though the differences between non-hypoallergenic dogs and hypoallergenic dogs may not be huge, they are enough to reduce the amount of allergy attacks that people have when they are around certain breeds of dog. For those who want to own a dog, not being able to be in the same room with one for long periods of time, can be frustrating. Buying a hypoallergenic dog may be the only way they can have a dog in their home. While they may still experience allergy attacks, these attacks will be less frequent. Non-hypoallergenic dogs tend to shed a lot. Their fur can be loose and dense, which means that it may contain a lot of dander as well. Dander is a collection of skin cells, dust, and other particles found in the air. As the dog sheds, these particles float around in the air and cause people to have allergy attacks. These dogs may also have an undercoat, which is a thick coat that protects them from harsh temperatures. This undercoat is what causes the dog to shed frequently. It can also trap dander and other allergens. Some non-hypoallergenic dog breeds may also salivate more often than other breeds, which can also cause a persons allergies to increase. Saliva contains bacteria that people are oftentimes allergic to. While these dogs cannot control the amount of saliva they expel, people who are allergic to dogs have a difficult time when these dogs are present. People with dog allergies may also be allergic to dog urine as it too can contain certain kinds of bacteria. Hypoallergenic dogs have shorter coats. Some breeds do not have an undercoat. While this makes them unprepared for cold weather, they are perfect for those who have allergies. The hair on these dogs is more like human hair, which means it will not shed as frequently as non-hypoallergenic dogs. The hair will need to be trimmed every few weeks in order to prevent it from growing too long. Some hypoallergenic breeds do not have hair at all. They are considered hairless even if they have some hair on their paws and head. Hypoallergenic dogs do not salivate as much as other breeds. This helps those who are allergic. This means that when the dog cleans itself, it will not leave as much bacteria behind. Urine from hypoallergenic dogs does not affect as many people either. When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you should research the following breeds to see if you are interested in any of them: Maltese, Terriers, Schnauzer, Bishon Frise, Portuguese Water Dog, Greyhounds, and Irish Water Spaniel. There are other breeds, but these are some of the more popular ones that people want to buy. This also means that you will have fewer problems finding a breeder in your area. Learn as much as you can about grooming, brushing, and caring for your hypoallergenic dog. Most breeds are very friendly and will live to be at least twelve years of age. These dogs enjoy companionship and exercise.
Differences between Non-Hypoallergenic Dogs and Hypoallergenic Dogs
Caring for Dogs with Hypoallergenic Conditions
Some dog breeds are more susceptible to allergies than others. This may be because of small nasal passages, allergic reactions to flea bites, irritable stomachs that make digesting food difficult, or they may be allergic to their own hair and dander. Dogs that have allergies include the following breeds: Bishon frise, terrier, retrievers, beagles, setters, and boxers. All dogs have the potential to be allergic to something, however. The most common signs of allergies include raw skin where the dog has scratched, patches of hair missing, red skin, hives, coughing, sneezing, excessive chewing and licking of paws, watery eyes, vomiting, and diarrhea. While these symptoms may go away after a few days, you should monitor your dogs behavior to see if the symptoms return. If they do, then you should take your dog to see a vet. Sometimes changing the type of dog food or buying a flea collar or spray is enough to help eliminate your dogs allergy problems. When a dog is suffering from allergies, their mood may change. They may become irritable, lethargic, clingy, or angry. Discipline will not work when the dog is having allergy issues. The best way to combat this problem is to learn how to care for your dog once you have isolated the cause of the allergies. This may mean keeping a journal of your dogs activities and symptoms that you can show the vet, who will be able to recommend treatment. Some smaller breeds may have breathing issues as they age, there is little that can be done except to keep their sleeping area clean, vacuum often, and consider buying a hepa filter that will trap dust, particles, and other air pollutants that are in the air. While it is important that all dogs get their exercise, when it is cold outside, keep small breeds indoors and play with them. This will keep them from getting head colds, which could make breathing even worse. If you notice that your dog has fleas or that they have been bitten by fleas, you should bathe your dog using a shampoo that will kill fleas and their eggs. You may need to rid your home of fleas as well so that reinfestation does not occur. Buy carpet spray or if the problem is too big, then you may have to call an exterminator. Once the fleas are gone, you should spray your dog every time the dog goes outside. This will prevent new attacks from occurring. If the dog has open bites or wounds from scratching, you will have to wait for them to heal before using a spray or shampoo on your dog. Vomiting can occur if your dog is allergic to the food it receives. You should first visit the vet to see if the problem isnt internal. They may recommend a new food for the dog. This should stop the vomiting and diarrhea. Dogs that are allergic to their own hair and dander have the worst allergies of all because there is little that can be done. You should make sure your dog is groomed regularly, brush your dog everyday to remove excess hair and dander, and bathe your dog once a month. Your vet may prescribe an anti-histamine if the allergies persist.
Caring for Dogs that are Hypoallergenic for Humans
Hypoallergenic dog breeds have special needs because they are usually smaller in size and have temperaments that may be difficult to handle sometimes. When you first bring your new dog home, you should allow it to roam around to get an idea of its surroundings. If you have other pets, you should put them in another room while the dog is investigating the area. Depending on the breed of dog, they may be very scared at first. They may not want much human contact, so you should be careful about handling them too much during the first few days they are in your home. Once you new dog becomes comfortable, you should develop a feeding and hair brushing routine that you and your dog will follow. If you have allergies, brushing your dog every day will reduce the amount of allergens in the air. This will reduce the allergens on your carpets, furniture, clothing, and walls. Buy a steel comb with wide teeth that will help trap hair and get out any knots that may be in the dogs fur. If you purchased a Mexican hairless or other breed that does not have hair, you should make sure that its skin is not dry. If you notice flaking, you should visit your vet who will prescribe medication or lotion that you can use. Making sure your hypoallergenic dog gets plenty of exercise is important for their health and also for controlling allergens in your home. Walking your dog at least once a day and making sure it sleeps through the night will keep the dog on a routine. Dogs that are awake at night time may want to be with you. Allowing your dog to sleep on your bed could increase your risk of an allergy attack. Your dog should have a designated place to sleep during the night and during the day. Buying a soft bed or giving the dog an old blanket will help keep them warm and safe when they are sleeping. You should wash their pet bed often to prevent allergens from being transferred to carpeting or clothing. While you cannot prevent all allergens from getting into your clothing and inside your carpeting, you can reduce them by keeping everything in your home clean. Dog grooming is also important when caring for a hypoallergenic dog. Even though the breed that you buy will probably have short hair, you will have to have it professionally groomed every few months to maintain the shape and also to keep the hair from becoming too long. Since hair can grow long and cover the dogs eyes, and make it difficult for the dog to keep itself clean, grooming your dog will ensure that it remains healthy and happy. Now that you know more about caring for a hypoallergenic dog, you should remember that just because these dogs are considered a good choice for those with allergies, these dogs may still cause you to have allergy attacks from time to time. Hypoallergenic dogs reduce the risk of attacks, but cannot prevent them from occurring.
Are Portuguese Water Dogs Hypoallergenic?
Portuguese Water Dogs have short hair that does not shed and is considered a working dog, meaning that it is a breed that needs to stay busy. This breed is considered a hypoallergenic dog. Traditionally used to assist in fishing expeditions, the Portuguese Water Dog is now kept as a house pet. While this breed is not as common as other breeds, if you want to dog that is hypoallergenic, lively, and enjoys companionship, then this breed may be the one for you. Since the Portuguese Water Dog is not bred as often as other breeds of hypoallergenic dog, you will have to search for a breeder online, in the newspaper, or by calling breeders in your area until you find one. Generally happy dogs, the PWD needs to stay busy or it will get bored. You should have plenty of toys for it to play with and you may want to consider crate training when you are not at home. This means that the dog will stay in a crate when you go out so it does not destroy your home. When the PWD gets bored or lonely, it will chew on anything it finds. Crate training should begin right after you bring the dog home. By placing a blanket, toys and water into the crate, you will make the dog comfortable while you are away. You should not use the crate when punishing the dog or it will not want to go in it when you leave for the day. After training the dog, you will have to keep up the routine. This will give the dog structure and will also salvage your possessions. Keeping the dog in a crate when you are not at home will also reduce allergens. Portuguese Water Dogs need to be groomed every two months or so. There are two patterns that most groomers follow, the retriever cut and the lion cut. The retriever cut means that the hair is cut evenly on the body. The lion cut leaves that front half of the dogs body covered with hair, while hair on the hind legs is cut short. You should take the dog to have his hair groomed if you are not comfortable cutting it yourself. If you are considering buying a PWD, you should be prepared to have constant companionship. These breeds need to be walked and they need to be entertained throughout the day. If you need to travel on vacation or for work, you should board the dog so it will not be lonely. Portuguese Water Dogs typically live between twelve and fifteen years. Portuguese Water Dogs are easy going and get along with children and most adults. If you are looking for a breed that does not shed and will fit in with your family, then the PWD is the breed for you. While most Portuguese Water Dogs are black, some are white or a mix of both. Their hair is curly or wavy and similar to that of the standard poodle.
Breeds of Hypoallergenic Dogs
When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you will have to decide on a breed of dog and also how the dog will fit into your lifestyle. Many hypoallergenic dogs are small or medium breed dogs. This means that they are small sized or medium sized dogs that require more attention than larger breeds. Hypoallergenic dogs may cause you to have fewer allergy attacks because their hair does not shed, they dont have an undercoat, or they do not shed a lot dead skin cells, or dander. The following breeds of hypoallergenic dogs are popular with those who suffer from allergies: Irish Water Spaniel, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, and Bedlington Terrier. For those looking for a hypoallergenic dog that is larger than other breeds, the Irish Water Spaniel may be the dog for you. These dogs have very short human-like hair that will prevent shedding and allergens from entering the air. The coats of these dogs must be maintained through grooming every two months. The Irish Water Spaniel is a friendly dog that likes to exercise and swim during the warmer months of the year. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is available in four varieties, the Traditional Irish, Heavy Irish, English, and American. The main difference is the size of the dog. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier has a short coat that does not shed much during the day. The dogs will need to be groomed as often as other hypoallergenic breeds in order to prevent clumping or rashes on their skin. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is very friendly and will always welcome strangers. They enjoy getting their exercise and want to be around people as much as possible. These dogs should not be kept in an apartment. Having a backyard is a must as this dog loves to run and bark. If you are in need of a hypoallergenic dog that is a little larger than most, then this is a dog worth considering. Bedlington Terriers are smaller than the Irish Water Spaniel and Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, but they have short coats which need to be brushed a few times a week to prevent tangling. They will also need to be groomed every three or four months in order to maintain a healthy coat. These dogs are energetic and enjoy exercise. For those who are hypoallergenic and who live in apartment buildings or small homes, this dog is perfect. These breeds of hypoallergenic dog are not the only ones you have to choose from. There are other varieties that may appeal to your lifestyle and allergy issues. Smaller dogs are better for apartment living as they tend to bark less and require less room to move around in. If you own or rent a home, then you may want to consider a larger breed that will be able to run around in the back yard. Hypoallergenic dogs require more grooming than other breeds because they do not shed most of their hair, it just continues to grow. Not grooming regularly will cause matting, which will have to be cut from the coat in order to prevent skin rashes and other problems.
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