Why you should quit smoking

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010 | | 0 komentar

Here comes another of those, "Why you should quit smoking" pieces, this time adding in the bonus of erectile dysfunction. You might think all the news about tobacco could not get any worse. . . Well, let's run that by you again. Of all the deaths from cancer in the US, the biggest killer is lung cancer. But the evidence now proves that 30% of all the deaths from cancer are triggered by smoking. So wherever you breathe, the risk took off to include cancer of the mouth, gums, larynx and throat. And because the chemicals from the smoke are dissolved into your saliva, everything travels down the esophagus and into the stomach. From there, the effects spread through the body because the chemicals are not discriminating. Down into the colon and bladder. But more seriously into the blood stream where you can trigger leukemia and heart disease. Did you know benzene can cause DNA damage so, among other things, guess what happens to your sperm.

Anyway, let's not lose our focus here. Once this happy band of chemicals gets into your blood, the key problem is damage to the blood vessels. The walls slowly begin to harden and narrow. In all the detailed explanations of the mechanics of an erection, you might remember the first step is a chemical messenger sent to the smooth muscles in the walls of the arteries leading into your penis. This instructs the arteries to dilate and allow more blood to flow inside where it is trapped to form the erection. If anything prevents the arteries from fully dilating, the erection is weak. If there is no dilation, there is no erection. Why should the arteries into the penis be affected? Because although the tobacco affects all blood vessels, the first effects show up in the smallest vessels which are in the "extremities", the parts of the body furthest from the heart like the hands, feet and penis. That's why the fact of erectile dysfunction is taken as a first sign of possible heart disease.

So first, the good news. If you quit smoking early enough in this cycle into disease, the source of the damage is removed and your health does not get any worse. In fact, if you start a program of physical exercise to improve the way your cardiovascular system works, the circulation of the blood speeds up and the quality of your erections can return naturally. But if you quit after the damage is too great, you will need help to return your your winning sexual ways. Viagra has a good history of restoring lost power by encouraging the dilation of arteries - not just those leading into the penis, but in other parts of the body as well. But then comes the bad news. If you cannot quit or lapse back into smoking after a short break, the blood vessels will continue to degrade. At some point you will find even the little blue pill cannot restore you to life. You will have lost out altogether. So if you are a smoker, learn this lesson well. The threat of death from cancer is years away. In fact, some smokers are lucky and avoid the Big C. But the threat to your erections is more common. So do not delay. Quit today and buy viagra to ensure you keep on enjoying your sex for years to come.

Chemicals and impotence

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One of the better short stories dealing with alien invasions is The Screwfly Solution, written under a pseudonym by Alice Sheldon. It assumes aliens would find it too much trouble to use military force to wipe us off the face of the Earth. They would prefer to let us die out. Curiously, this builds on and anticipates many of our own uses of chemicals that induce impotence or infertility. Without any help from aliens, humans are doing their best to reduce their own numbers. One of the most common of the modern chemicals is Bisphenol A (BPA) which is used to harden plastic products and make epoxy resin. You will find it in hundreds of different types of container used to store or carry food. It's also used to coat the inside of drinks cans and to harden the plastics used in the manufacture of sports equipment, cars and some medical devices. In other words, it's hard to avoid eating food stored in it and touching things made with it.

There's now a small mountain of evidence out of China that workers exposed to high levels of BPA suffer loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and impotence. This adds to all the other evidence of health problems now being considered by the FDA including behavioural changes, early onset of puberty in girls, obesity and cancer. Next year, it's due to announce whether the use of BPA is to be limited in the US. The FDA already accepts that babies and children are potentially most at risk - a fact disputed by the manufacturers. Indeed, in many countries, baby bottles made with BPA have been banned. This latest evidence out of China is clear evidence of reproductive problems in adults. But, before panicking, we need to see the Chinese evidence in context. All these workers were exposed to significantly higher levels of BPA than would be encountered in the real world. No matter how many cans of soda and beer you drank, you would not consume the same amount of BPA. Nevertheless, BPA does leach into food and drink from its packaging. In November, Consumer Reports published the result of tests showing BPA in the majority of the brand-name canned foods on sale in US stores. This included juice, soups, vegetables and fish. According to industry experts, the evidence to date is no more than suggestive of a link between BPA and impotence. We will have to wait for the FDA to complete its review for the government's view.

Until then, men should seriously consider avoiding the use of anything made with BPA, and stop eating and drinking out of cans. You should consider switching to bottled beer. This is the precautionary principle. You avoid the potential danger until you have clear evidence it is safe. Once you have reduced your intake of BPA, this should reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. If you do have problems, use cialis - now the leading brand in many countries. This comes in two different versions. One giving you thirty-six hours of sexual response, taken as needed. The other taken once-daily gives response round the clock. There is no better drug on the market for giving completely natural and hard erections whenever you are sexually stimulated. Buy cialis and find out why it has become the top brand.

Even the professionals can have their little problems

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Would Marx and Engels have approved?

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Language is a never-ending source of inspiration. It illuminates our lives and helps us to remember what has gone before. Sometimes, written records help us relive moments of great worth. Other times, they recall eras of great terror. In this instance, we have to go back to 1848. In The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the words are either inspiring or a threat depending on your current political point of view. One phrase has resonated longer and louder than all the other sentences in the book. It is, "Workers of the world, unite!" This is the rallying call for collective action to fight the oppression of the capitalist elite and seek a more fair distribution of rewards for the labor invested. It has driven social reform around the world, albeit more in Europe and Asia than in the US. It provides a rationale for the development of the trade union movement. It finds its greatest expression in the reality of strike action where union members withdraw their labor to put pressure on their employers to offer better terms.

No matter what you may think of the practical day-to-day business of employment, the majority of people around the world find great comfort in membership of trade unions. They use words like "solidarity" to capture the strength flowing from collective action. In many countries, it has brought down governments and forced a redistribution of wealth. Notions of equality and fraternity take on new life. That makes it all the more sad when you read stories such as that coming out of Philadelphia. All the utopian ideals disappear in a puff of corrupted despair when the facts of the dispute at the South Pennsylvanian Transport Authority see the light of day. It seems the transit staff were unhappy with their working conditions. This was something up with which no human being should put. It justified strike action. The workers united and walked out. Let's take one step back. The dispute surrounded the precise terms of their health plan. Obviously, in these times of economic hardship, the Transit Authority had tried to protect the taxpayers. It wanted small savings. But when they tried to cut the number of viagra pills covered in the plan, the union saw red. Erectile dysfunction is not a matter for negotiation. The men demanded one pill per day. What can we say. The employers caved and now the taxpayers will cover the cost of a once-daily shot if that's what it takes to get a worker up in the morning.

No-one disputes that erectile dysfunction is a serious problem for those who experience it, but this is the first time a trade union has ever called a strike to get treatment. Welcome to the wacky world of Philly where Transit officials and union officers wrestled in public over the number of pills the workers should have each month. At least they were all talking about the best. The workers all wanted to buy viagra - great brand recognition there, guys! But we leave you all with one nagging worry. There may be a temptation for the drivers of those buses, trolleys and subway trains. If it's a slow day and life feels a little down, will they pop a pill and turn their gentle ride into an express bus weaving in and out of traffic, a bullet train of love? We could all be in for exciting rides from now on.